America Transformed:
NPR Coverage Sept. 11 - Oct. 8, 2001

Audio archives
In the 10-day period starting Sept. 11, 2001, NPR News produced many hours of special coverage, in addition to regularly scheduled programming. The following is an audio archive of that coverage through Sept. 20, indexed by show with the most recent audio listed first. NPR's coverage since Sept. 20, 2001, can be found in the full archives.

The people
Behind the stark statistics of the victims' lists are the sagas of terror, heroism and miraculous escapes. Listen to stories of the attack and the mourning, coping and recovery in the days that follow. Or post an online memorial.

The scene
The World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania. Read more about the places hit in the attack and listen to the stories from ground zero.

The investigation
As military strikes begin, investigators remain on the trail of terrorists they say plotted the Sept. 11 attacks, and may be planning further assaults. Find out more about Osama bin Laden and listen as NPR follows the investigation.

Speeches and statements
Listen to the key speeches and statements by President Bush, Secretary of State Colin Powell and other officials.

World reaction
As some world governments immediately registered approval of the U.S.-led missile assault on Afghanistan, nations and people around the globe awaited the next phase of attacks -- and possible counter-attacks. Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department warned Americans abroad that they may be subjected to anti-American feelings or actions in the wake of the Oct. 7 military strikes.

The airways
Air travel will never be the same again. Listen to NPR reports on the airlines, travelers and the transformations underway in the air travel system.

The cost
The final tally of the economic costs of the Sept. 11 attacks is months, even years away. Listen as NPR tracks the costs to individuals, businesses small and large and the economy as a whole.

Astonishing images have filled the TV screens, pages and computer monitors across the world. View slide shows of recent days' events.

Read and listen as NPR’s journalists, along with citizens and children, artists and analysts comment on the Sept. 11 attack and the events that followed.

Use these links to locate missing family or friends, learn ways you can help, or find out how to talk to your children about the tragedy.

Online discussion
Read what other NPR listeners have to say about the recent events and post your comments.
Join the discussion

The mobilization
The Oct. 7 missile strikes on Afghanistan are only the beginning of a "relentless" campaign to disable Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda network and punish terrorists for last month’s attacks on the United States, says President Bush. Bin Laden, in response, called Muslims around the world to “join the fight” -- heightening Americans’ fears that attacks on terrorists targets will spur counter-attacks on more U.S. targets.