NPR Essays
Chronological List of All Sept. 11-Related Essays

Nov. 22
Loss and Thanksgiving
   By NPR's Neva Grant

Nov. 15
Avoiding the Next Afghan War
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr
Hope and Safety in the Air
   By Hollis Gillespie

Nov. 13
A Time of Testing
   By NPR's Susan Stamberg

Nov. 12
Big Government Success Stories
   By Paul Light
Longing for the Days of Smaller Worries
   By Patt Morrison
A Summit Doomed to Succeed
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr

Nov. 11
Putin's NATO Alignment
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr

Nov. 10
Objectivity and Osama bin Lumber
   By NPR's Scott Simon

Nov. 9
Two Dates Bound by Terror
   By Alexa Dvorson

Nov. 8
Architecture is an Act of Optimism
   By Jenny Spinner
Betting on the American Dollar
   By Paul Podolsky

Nov. 7
Giving Up on Bipartisan Agreement
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr
Democracy With a Small "D"
   By Jack Germond

Nov. 5
Ignoring Another Adversary -- Oil Dependence
   By Ev Ehrlich

Nov. 4
Censorship, Patriotism and the American Media
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr
Taking Charge of That Impending Sense of Doom
   By Diane Roberts

Nov. 3
Americans Learn to Live With Risks
   By NPR's Scott Simon

Nov. 2
Profit Incentive Leads to Drug Innovation
   By Russell Roberts
Afghanistan Is Not Vietnam
   By John Laurence

Nov. 1
Tell Us the Worst-Case Scenario
   By Heather Lende
Alliances are No Longer Automatic
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr

Oct. 30
Even Halloween Costumes Have New Meaning
   By Susan Bayh

Oct. 29
Worried Glances on the Flight Home
   By Sharon Moshavi
God is On the Side of Humanity
   By Hugh Burns
The Battle for U.S. Airport Security
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr

Oct. 28
Poll Numbers Reveal Resilient Nation
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr

Oct. 27
America Can Improve Itself
   By NPR's Scott Simon

Oct. 25
An Inner City Reality Check
   By Katie Davis
Economic Stimulus and Unrewarded Patriotism
   By Kevin Phillips

Oct. 24
Bush Needs To Be More Candid
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr

Oct. 23
Paranoid With the Truth
   By Elissa Ely

Oct. 22
A Mother's Fear
   By NPR's Denise Civiletti
House Republicans Out of Touch
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr
Most Certainly Not My War
   By Askia Muhammad

Oct. 21
The Truth Hurts Like Hell
   By NPR's Sharon Ball
Giving Patriotism a Larger Purpose
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr
Worried All the Time
   By Julie Hausermann

Oct. 20
How Northern Ireland Deals With Terror
   By Suzanne Rodgers
'Let's Continue to Look Out for Each Other'
   By Scott Simon

Oct. 19
The New Vocabulary of War
   By Judy Muller
Victory in Increments
   By Joel Achenbach

Oct. 17
The Media's Fine Line
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr
Poem: Belonging to All the World
   By Andrew X. Pham

Oct. 16
Roots of Hatred Run Deep
   By Vikram Singh
Prosecuting Terror Attacks as Hate Crimes
   By Frank Wu

Oct. 15
Courting Moderate Muslims
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr
Immigrant Liberties are First Casualty of War
   By David Cole

Oct. 14
From Bureaucrats to Heroes
   By Max Stier
New Role for Media in New War
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr

Oct. 11
The Silence Beyond My Window
   By Rachel Louise Snyder

Oct. 9
The Staying Power of U.S. Sentiment
   By Kevin Phillips

Oct. 8
Building a New Nation in Afghanistan
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr

Oct. 7
The Real Day the Cold War Ended
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr
Flying the Paranoid Skies
   By Alfred Lubrano

Oct. 6
Leading the Lives They Died to Save
   By NPR's Scott Simon

Oct. 5
The Principles Behind the Flag
   By Jim Sollisch
The Empathy Gap
   By Matt Miller

Oct. 4
Children Restore Faith in Human Nature
   By Elissa Ely

Oct. 3
Patriotic Shopping
   By Jane Armstrong
How the Attacks Have Changed New Yorkers
   By Kenji Jasper
The Power of Suicide
   By Daniel Schorr

Oct. 2
Rising to the Challenge -- For Now
   By Jack Germond

Oct. 1
Post-Communism Unity
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr

Sept. 30
Mayor Giuliani
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr
A Living Lesson
   By James Davison Hunter

Sept. 29
Separating Truth from Rumor
   By NPR's Scott Simon
Thousands of Gaps
   By NPR's Scott Simon

Sept. 28
A Sikh Tailor
   By Martha Ann Overland
Domestic Call to Arms
   By Bill Shore
Pee Wee's Legacy
   By Mark Reese
Hollywood's Next Act
   By John Ridley
The Speech Bush Could Make
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr

Sept. 27
Wounded Psyche
   By David Ropeik

Sept. 25
Racial Profiling
   By Robert Franklin
Back in the Game
   By Kevin Maney
Testing the Constitution
   By Patt Morrison
Blame the Airlines
   By Victoria Cummock

Sept. 24
Patriotic Buying
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr

Sept. 23
Extreme Threats to Liberty
   By Diane Roberts
A Return to Normal
   By Ellis Cose

Sept. 22
Unrighteous Reverends
   By NPR's Scott Simon

Sept. 21
Empathy in Uganda
   By NPR's Joanne Silberner
Life On Hold
   By Andrei Codrescu

Sept. 20
Art as Relief From Reality
   By NPR's Susan Stamberg

Sept. 19
Next Wave of Discrimination
   By Judy Muller
The Greatest Generation
   A poem by Joan Murray

Sept. 18
Remembering the Day
   By Bailey White
Being Muslim in America
   By Gelareh Assayesh
Lending a Helping Hand
   By Craig Childs

Sept. 17
Reviewing the Presidential Ban on Assassinations
   By NPR's Daniel Schorr
New York City Memorials
   By NPR's Scott Simon
America's Economy
   By Kevin Phillips
Don't Attack Afghanistan
   By Norman Council

Sept. 15
The Last Full Measure of Devotion
   By NPR's Scott Simon
Appreciating New York
   By NPR's Scott Simon
Tragedies Remind Us of Who We Are
   By NPR's Scott Simon

Sept. 14
Giving in to Fear
   By Mark Leslie Shook
Where Do You Stand?
   By NPR's Juan Williams

Sept. 13
TV's Window to America
   By Andrei Codrescu
A Call to Battle
   By Phil Margetta-Cacace
Reacting to Terrorism
   By Jim Sleeper
Taking Action
   By Marion Winik
When Is It Right to Begin to Get Back to Normal?
   By NPR's Susan Stamberg
Theatrical vs. Real-Life Tragedy
   By NPR's Bob Mondello
The Aftermath
   By NPR's Alex Chadwick

Sept. 12
A Different Country, A Different Time
   By NPR's Alex Chadwick
Sifting Tattered Artifacts of World Trade Center Lives
   By NPR's Robert Siegel