The Home Front

The nation focuses on its domestic security concerns, its loved ones at war -- and the countless ways that life has changed since Sept. 11.

search Hear NPR News radio coverage on the human toll and recovery from the Sept. 11 attacks.

WTC site

"Ground Zero" in New York City, Nov. 25. Work continues around the clock to clear rubble and search for human remains.
Photo: Copyright 2001
Reuters Limited

In Depth

A Different Way to Help
Contributions are flooding in to aid groups to help victims of the Sept. 11 attacks. But a very different charity is collecting reward money to help hunt down terrorism suspects worldwide.
Expanded Coverage

Coping Since Sept. 11
Morning Edition listeners were asked to write about how they're coping in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks. In their letters, many from schoolchildren, they spoke of love of country, worries about the economy and fear of further terrorism.
Expanded Coverage

Muslims in America
NPR Religion Correspondent Duncan Moon closes out a three-part series on Muslims in America with a report from Dearborn, Mich., center of the largest Arab-American community in the United States. Moon found a community proud to be American -- but unafraid to flex their political clout to push for changes in U.S. foreign policy, to address the roots of unrest in the Muslim world.
Expanded Coverage

Found Art at WTC
Millions of dollars worth of art -- sculptures, paintings and installations -- was lost in the attack on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11. But major portions of a sculpture by Alexander Calder have been recovered from the rubble.
Expanded Coverage

Tanker Trucks and Terror
Web Audio Exclusive: NPR's Jackie Northam reports on how new anti-terrorism measures are creating more problems for an already troubled national trucking industry.
Expanded Coverage

An Anthrax Primer
NPR's Science Desk answers some frequently asked questions about anthrax, the deadly bacterium that has caused a scare in several states.
Expanded Coverage

Anthrax and the Mail
NPR offers tips for evaluating and dealing with suspicious letters or packages in light of the anthrax scare.
Expanded Coverage

Lost Art
The World Trade Center attacks that took thousands of lives also resulted in the loss of many important pieces of art that were buried in the rubble, correspondent Jon Kalish reports.
Expanded Coverage

Music for These Times
On Morning Edition, NPR special correspondent Susan Stamberg asks artists -- musicians, painters, novelists, dancers and actors -- to select a piece of music that they'd like the country to hear right now.
Expanded Coverage

Images of War and Peace
NPR's Elizabeth Blair visits a museum with a long-planned exhibit that has suddenly become more timely: artistic reflections on the nature of war and the hope for peace.
Expanded Coverage

Security Chief Ridge: 'The Task is Enormous'
Former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge takes on the “immense” task of coordinating U.S. security efforts. NPR Correspondents Steve Inskeep and Tom Gjelten discuss Ridge’s appointment with Morning Edition host Bob Edwards.
Expanded Coverage

Assessing The Terrorist Threat
Read and listen to the comprehensive NPR coverage of domestic security threats in the month following the Sept. 11 terror attacks -- including chemical and biological weapons -- and how U.S. agencies were struggling to address them.
Expanded Coverage

Other Resources

• Learn about the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program, a federal effort to prepare cities near chemical weapons stockpiles for a chemical leak or attack.

• Review the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's comprehensive list of biological agents/diseases and chemical agents.

• Visit Johns Hopkins University's Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies.

• Visit the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Web site for information on increased airline security measures, travel advisories and more.