Coping Since Sept. 11
NPR Listeners Reflect on Life After National Tragedy

Beth Beck

Beth Beck

My daughters and their high school and college friends have discovered patriotism. Last spring during softball season, I was struck by the behavior of the girls in the varsity lineup during the recording of the national anthem before the game. They chewed gum, looked bored, talked to each other, and generally showed no respect for our country. They certainly didn't know the words or stand at attention.

When I was in high school, I spent a year in Canada as an exchange student. I remember being shocked that the Canadians didn't sing their national anthem, like I had growing up in Texas. Now my daughter's generation not only didn't sing, but didn't even pay attention. Now they do. They've come alive with newfound respect for our country and our flag AND the pledge of allegiance. I hope this lasts as well.

Beth Beck, 45
Alexandria, Va.

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