Coping Since Sept. 11
NPR Listeners Reflect on Life After National Tragedy

The following letters are from high school students in central New Mexico.

On Sept. 11, 2001, I was really scared. Even though what happened didn't affect me directly, it affected my thoughts. It really made me think. I knew that we were going to go to war sooner or later. That could mean anything! Loved ones would be needed to fight. That would mean the separation of families.

Truthfully, the first thought that came to mind was the Great Depression. I had this mental picture of riots at the grocery stores, and empty food shelves. It's a scary thought, thinking that something like that could happen again. As for now, I guess it's not really affecting me because I don't have any loved ones overseas. I do know people that have people out there for our protection. Really there isn't anything that we can do to change anything. We can't even help! All we can do is pray for those who are out there, and are in need of our prayers.

Elena G., 12th grade

I'm coping with this by living my life, not letting the terrorists win by being afraid. I'm also coping by knowing the U.S. is taking care of the problem in central Asia. People should never forget what happened on Sept. 11, 2001. We should never forgive and forget those who killed (5,000) fellow Americans. I know I will always be mad about it.

Jennifer G., 12th grade

This war has made me change my mind on life. It's made life more valuable to me. I cherish everyday that I live. I am careful of what I say to people, because you never know what will happen next. It's changed the way I think about life. Is killing thousands of innocent Afghans the answer? They are only human, like us Americans.

I am coping with this whole thing by just continuing to live my life. I'm trying to live as though this never happened. I'm not ignoring the incident, just living life as though it is back to normal. After the war is over, I'll still continue to be careful of what I say to people.

Juanita T., 10th grade

I have made some changes since the war has started. Now I take things a little more seriously than I did before, and I realize that life can be too short not to waste time away. And to spend more time with my family instead of always blowing them off and never listening to what they have to say. I've also made more time for my family and time for my friends.

Lisa J., 10th grade

I don't think the war has changed the way I live. The only difference is that this event is all over the news and is very annoying. Everyone still wakes up, goes to work, goes to school and lives their lives. Maybe the cities are the places that have changed. Out here in this small community, I don't think there are any changes.

Galen H.

Well, I am not very pleased about what is going on. I really think that we shouldn't have a war because fighting violence against violence is wrong. It is teaching us as the younger generation to be violent against one another. This war has really gotten to a lot of young people at schools around the world. Since we found out about the war there have been fights among the students here. Especially with race. Really it hasn't affected me that much, but I have to admit I am very scared because I think about it. I have a whole life ahead of me and personally I don't know about anyone else, but I don't want it to end by bombs or diseases. I guess that I am just going about my life the way I always have.

Francesca G., 9th grade

The war has changed the way I live by giving me more respect toward the people who are assigned to watch and protect our country. It also changed the way I think. It has helped me live life to its fullest because you never know when it's all going to be over. I'm coping like any other American. I pray for the families of the victims during the attacks.

I also keep in mind that no matter what anyone does, the United States will never ever give up, we will stand united and proud. There are also many Americans who are showing their love for their country by displaying the American flag. I hope that the Americans keep supporting our brave women and men who serve in our nation's military. We need to show our respect because they're putting their lives on the line. We need to keep showing our patriotism.

Cassandra T., 9th grade

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