Austin, Texas - Links & Resources

Barsana Dham:
The largest Hindu Temple complex in North America, located outside of Austin, TX.

Walnut Creek Elementary School:
This is a nationally recognized, multi-lingual magnet school/public school. The student population is a mix of Anglo, African-American, Hispanic, and Vietnamese students. The school provides a bi-lingual education and culture curriculum.

This company creates internet software for businesses. Exterprise started 18 months ago with five employees; today it has 105, many of them Indian immigrants.

Austin Convention & Visitors Bureau

Austin Area Chamber of Commerce

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Produced by Art Silverman with help from Julie Harbin and edited by Cadi Simon

The Changing Face of America is an 18-month-long NPR series that tells the stories of regular, everyday Americans and the issues they face at a time of rapid and dramatic change in the U.S. This special series can be heard on NPR's Talk of the Nation, All Things Considered and Morning Edition.

The Changing Face of America series is sponsored by The Pew Charitable Trusts.