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Cigar Stories
Cigar Stories

Northern Lights
Listening to the Northern Lights

Tennessee Williams
Tennesse Williams

Carnival Talkers
Carnival Talkers

LBJ and the Helium Filled Astronaut

Tony Schwartz
Tony Schwartz

A dozen stories from the Peabody award winning radio series, Lost & Found Sound, heard throughout 1999-2000 on NPR's All Things Considered. This double CD / Cassette compilation is now for sale in bookstores and online merchants nationwide.

The Stories

  • Tony Schwartz: 30,000 Recordings Later
  • Gettysburg Eyewitness
  • Cigar Stories - narrated by Andy Garcia
  • Carnival Talkers
  • LBJ and the Helium Filled Astronaut
  • Archival Sound Restoration
  • West Virginia Steam Trains
  • Listening to the Northern Lights
  • Partridge Family Tour
  • Tennesse Williams: The Pennyland Recordings

    + Bonus material not heard in the original broadcasts!

    These producers are posessed - By sound. This is the most wonderful collection. The rich rewarding sounds of life that might otherwise have escaped us. The sounds of the street and the soul. These are the times that sound has no equal.
    - Peter Jennings, ABC News

    FANS who have listened to Lost & Found Sound stories and want to hear them again. ELDERS who have lived these stories as well as remember them. A way to connect the past with the present for your parents and grandparents. For TEACHERS who want to bring history to life for their students - for LOVERS OF LOST SOUNDS - LIBRARIANS & HISTORIANS - for your friends and family - give them these radio stories and enjoy...

    Get It
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    Cassette ISBN# 1565114019
    CD ISBN# 1565114027

    Copyright © 2000 The Kitchen Sisters