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"Lost & Found Sound" was a breakthrough collaboration between independent producers, artists from a variety of mediums, NPR, and the listening public. Created and produced by independent radio producers,The Kitchen Sisters and Jay Allison in 1999, this Peabody award-winning series continued weekly and then monthly until the events of 9/11 prompted us to create another national collaboration "The Sonic Memorial Project" series heard on NPR and most recently "Hidden Kitchens" as weekly series on NPR's Morning Edition

In our ongoing collaboration with NPR, this website will continue to host all the existing Lost & Found stories online and new ones as they are produced. They will remain available for all to hear, along with images and supporting material.

Over the course of the Lost & Found Sound series listeners asked us how they could directly support the making of these kind of radio stories.

The Kitchen Sisters are a non profit production organization. As independent radio producers your support helps us to continue to create sound-rich, historical, challenging radio documentaries: to collaborate and work to keep a free and vibrant public media. We hope you'll join in and become part of the kitchen cabinet that makes these stories possible.

Thank you,
The Kitchen Sisters, Davia Nelson & Nikki Silva

Copyright © 2001 The Kitchen Sisters