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Sound-Crossed Lovers
Produced by Art Silverman
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Aviva Barraclough and Kelvin Watkins
This is a story about losing one's original voice and later finding it on a recording.

Quest for Sound™ Curator Jay Allison got a call from Aviva Barraclough of Los Angeles telling him about tapes she made as a four-year-old. At the time she had just moved to America with her mother. Her father remained in England when the family separated. On the tapes, she is a sweet, little English-accented girl. She's another person now, and this tape is a record of her youth. What's more, she's now engaged to Kelvin Watkins, a British-accented man of the same age (27) who also has tapes from his childhood: in Venezuela, where he was born. Both share a transfer of accents from their pasts; and both sing "Old MacDonald Had A Farm" on their tapes.

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