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Bride, Groom & Microphone
Produced by Darcy Bacon and Art Silverman
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Virginia Hyink & John Phillip Burnham,
June 4, 1948

Bonnie Ruetnik & Ched Hudson,
December 28, 1974

Jean Epstein Wolkoff
August 3, 1947

Bruce Krull and Judith Weinstein
September 7, 1958

To celebrate the traditional month for weddings, we've gathered a sampler of recorded marriages from the Quest for Sound, often sent to us by the couples' children. The marriage vows and ceremonies reflect the varied styles, settings, and religious traditions you'll hear across the eras. Judith Weinstein, age 17, married Bruce Krull at the Waldorf Astoria in New York September 7, 1958.

Ched Hudson and Bonnie Ruetenik exchanged their vows accompanied by an antique melodian and a friend's guitar at her parents home in Lakewood, Ohio December 28, 1974. The First Baptist Church in Canton, Mississippi was the scene of the marriage June 6, 1948 of Gloria Vivian Cockerham to John Andrews Langston. The wedding of college students Virginia Hyink and John Philip Burnham's took place on radio's The Bride and Groom Show, June 4, 1948. Jean Epstein was married to Samuel Wolkoff at Temple Israel in Scranton, Pennsylvania August 3, 1947. The marriage ceremonies preserved in sound like beautiful messages in a bottle.

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