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Sound of a Silent Star
Produced by Jay Allison

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  • Visit a Buster Keaton web page

    Buster Keaton Buster Keaton, silent film star, circa 1923 The Three Keatons: Buster, his mother Myra and father Joe, circa 1901.
    Courtesy Bob Borgen. Buster Keaton at home, circa 1962.
    Quest for Sound Curator Jay Allison brings us Buster Keaton. Listener Bob Borgen has a tape of the silent film star at a party in 1962. Some friends gave him a ukelele and recorded his songs, stories and memories of Vaudeville.

    Sound of Silents
    Produced by Bob Mondello
    Listen with RealAudio in 14.4, 28.8, or G2 SureStream.

    Film critic Bob Mondello reviews the days of silent films and how the introduction of sound forever changed the beauty and benefit of silence.

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