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Lovers of Lost Fans
Produced by Jay Allison
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Mike Coup, president of Vornado, at the American Fan Collectors Association Museum in Andover, Kansas. Courtesy Chuck Brandt, AFCA.
Some sounds are effectively gone, no longer part of our daily lives - the clink of milk bottles on the front porch, the clomp and rattle of a horse cart on a cobblestone street, the fading steam whistle down the valley. Many people cherish the vanished sounds. Listener Willard Mayes of New York tells Jay Allison, the curator of the Quest for Sound about his favorite, the sound of old electric fans.

Willard Mayes is a member of the American Fan Collectors Association. Visit their web site at:

Mike Coup is the President and CEO of Vornado Air Circulation Systems in Andover, Kansas. Visit the company web site at:

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