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Walkin' Talkin' Bill Hawkins: Searching For My Father's Voice
Produced by The Kitchen Sisters, Davia Nelson & Nikki Silva
with Ellen Sebastian Chang
Mixed by Jim McKee at Earwax Productions

  • Listen with RealAudio in 14.4 or 28.8 flavors.
  • See more photos from the Walkin' Talkin' Bill Hawkins story.
  • Read the story of Walkin' Talkin' Bill Hawkins.
  • More on black radio with historians Dr. William Barlow and Dr. Rick Wright.

    Credits & Acknowledgements

    Special Thanks to:
    David Isay
    Ethan Derner
    Andrew Roth
    Wieslaw Pogorzelski
    Kathryn Washington
    Sandra Wong
    Nick Spitzer, American Routes
    Emmet Powell
    Carolyn Travis

    Sound Collectors/Archives/Airchecks
    Tom Kennish, Royal Garden Records
    Jacquie Gales Webb, Smithsonian Productions
    David Yewdall
    Jennifer Ware
    George Nettleton
    Ed Brouder, Man from Mars
    Judy Freed
    Portia Maultsby, Indiana University
    Chris Strachwizt, Arhoolie Records
    Opal Nations, Down Home Music
    Dave Billeci
    Art Vuolo

    Radio Stations/Media
    David Barnett, Dave Knezig, Dan Bindert "Jazz Overnight", Anabelle
    Singh, Richard Wangle, Jim Gould, WCPN Cleveland
    Mike Olszewski, WZJM Cleveland
    Carl Reese, WRMR Cleveland
    Genial Johny Simmons, KUSP Santa Cruz
    Charlie Lange, KUSP
    Andrea Murray, WETA Washington DC
    Jim Lawless, Cleveland Plain Dealer
    Ron Ockert, WAER Syracuse

    Dr. William Barlow, Howard University
    Dr. Rick Wright, Syracuse University

    John Buttitta
    Stephen Kostrubanic
    Eli Rosenblum

    Barlow, William, "Voice Over: The Making of Black Radio, " Temple University: Philadelphia 1999 Isay, Daivd, "Pullman Porter", Holding On Jackson, John, "Big Beat Heat: Alan Freed and the Early Years of Rock & Roll," Schirmer Books: New York, 1991 Smith, Wes, "The Pied Pipers of Rock'n'Roll," Longstreet Press:Georgia, 1989 Smithsonian Productions, "Black Radio: Tellin' It Like It Is", 1998 Travis, Carolyn, "Rock & Radio Revolution,"

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    Copyright © 1999 The Kitchen Sisters