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Twentieth Century Wars on Tape
Produced by Art Silverman and Darcy Bacon

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  • See & Hear photos & recordings from David Terry Smith & Merlyn Snyder, 2 war veterans who were not featured in this program.

    War Veterans pt. 1
    (Veterans featured in the radio broadcast)

    Bruce Guzowski
    Bruce Guzowski flying an Air Force C-12 over Victoria Harbor. Hong Kong in 1985 or '86. Photo courtesy of Bruce Guzowski.

    Bruce Guzowski
    Paul Guzowski (center) with his nephew John Guzowski on the left and nephew Brian on the right. They are standing in front of an USAF F-4G "Wild Weasel" on the ramp at George AFB, CA sometime around July, 1991. Photo courtesy of Bruce Guzowski.

    Jesse Davis Gillespie Sr.
    WW1 veteran Jesse Davis Gillespie Sr. and Mae Carpenter Gillespie, 1970. His left leg was shorter due to injuries suffered during the war. Photo courtesy of Heather Sellers.

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