Bailey's Elementary School
Falls Church, Virginia


Essays by the Children

My Life (My Biography)

Chapter One

The Second Year of School
The Second Year of School
"The second year of school I had to set beside the door so i can waet for the teacher. I was shay becuse a lot's of people wer around me. But then my old frieand Nikki form 3rd gread came, i was grad that she was in the same class. she is a good frieand we play togehter sometimes we figat on dicame thing ("dicame"= the same). But I have other good frieand's just like Nikki. When I meant Mrs. Carkci I was so shy that I feelt like runing back home. Mrs. Carkci was wearing a purpple pants and a purpple suit. She was very nice. She gave us books peper and other thing for scool. I like my new teacher." Pawol Karlo
Feb. 18, 2000

My Life
Chapter One
HI! My name is Jonny Mathews. I love baseball, may family and my cat and fish that died. My favorite food(s) is(re): cheese, pasta, and lasagna. I play violin, and I'm in chorus. I'm always hungry. The only food I don't like is steak.

I don't like it when I'm accused of doing something I don't really do. Like today, when my friend accused me of hitting him when I really didn't hit him. I have seven really good friends. Their names are Michael, Dominic, Temor, Arthur, Jesse, Ryan and Mario. they have been my friends since we met. They're unlike any friends I've ever had.

Chapter Two Hi again! I want to talk a little more about my life. I'm nine years old. My cat's name was Bobo. My fish's name was Jackie. I have a lot of baseball cards.

Goodbye! Jonny Mathews

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    The Changing Face of America is an 18-month long NPR project that tells the stories of regular, everyday Americans and the issues they face at a time of rapid and dramatic change in the U.S. This special series can be heard on NPR's Talk of the Nation, All Things Considered and Morning Edition.

    The Changing Face of America series is sponsored by
    The Pew Charitable Trusts.