Open Adoption: Additional Resources


Sam Sirkin, Jesse, Zoe and Erin Farrar
Sam Sirkin, Jesse, Zoe and Erin Farrar
(Photo courtesy Sirkin-Farrar family)

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AdoptINFO A collection of information, research, opinion and policy documents related to adoption and issues facing adoptive families. A volunteer-operated adoption advocacy group and information service for adoptive parents, birth mothers, and children.

Adoptive Families Together A forum of information, anecdotes, resources and support for adoptive families.

AdoptNet Information, resources and support for adoptive and foster families.

The American Adoption Congress is an international network that provides information and links for people separated by adoption.

The American Association of Open Adoption Agencies is an organization of non-profit adoption agencies which provide open adoption services.

The Child Welfare League of America is a nonprofit organization developing and promoting policies and programs for children and strenghten families.

The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute provides researchers and others with a wide range of information about adoption.

Families With Children from China is an organization of families that have adopted children from China.

Holt International Children’s Services is an adoption and child welfare organization.

The National Adoption Center is a non profit organization that promotes and provides information about adopting older children, minority children, and those with special needs.

National Adoption Information Clearinghouse is a national resource which offers comprehensive information on all aspects of adoption. Professionals, policy makers, or the general public, can access a library collection, databases with adoption resources, publications, federal and state legislation.

The National Council for Adoption offers guidelines on adoption and provides contact information to lawyers and adoption agencies.

North American Council on Adoptable Children supports children waiting to be adopted and the families who adopt them. This site provides information about, adoption from US foster facilities, post-adoption support, adoption subsidy, resources for potential adoptive parents and reseachers.

Open Adopt: The non-profit adoption agency, based in Portland, Oregon, through which Sam Sirkin and Erin Farrar adopted their two children, Zoe and Jesse. Visit the Web site.

Tapestry Books A source for adoption and infertility books.