The Stories

By Date

8/2000 | 9/2000 | 10/2000 | 11/2000 | 12/2000 | 1/2001 | 2/2001 | 3/2001 | 4/2001 | 5/2001 | 6/2001 | 7/2001

By Location & Topic

Aging in America
Albuquerque, NM
American Workplace
Austin, Texas
Broward County, FL
Charlotte, NC
Coney Island Hospital
Erie, Pennsylvania
Falls Church, Virginia
Gay Teenagers
Gullah Island, SC
Healthcare in America
Hinesberg, Vermont
Kansas City, MO
Life After Huffy Bicycles

Los Angeles, California
Minneapolis, Minnesota
New Brain Aneurysm Treatment
The New Education
Orlando, Florida
Portland, Oregon
Prince George's County, Md.
Privacy in America
Rochester, N.Y.
Saline County, MO
San Francisco, California
Seattle, Washington
Tucson, Arizona
The Way We Play

July 2001: All Things Considered looked at privacy in America, Morning Edition looked at the changes in the ways Americans file suit, and how big and small corporations try to position themselves to avoid getting sued, and in a live broadcast, Talk of the Nation examined the effect economics and demographics are having on the country, and how our sense of community is changing.

June 2001: All Things Considered took a look at stand-up comedy, Morning Edition examined open and international adoptions, and Talk of the Nation was live in San Francisco asking the question: how much progress is good for a city and its people?

May 2001: All Things Considered looked at what life is like for gay teenagers, Morning Edition explored how Coney Island Hospital copes with an influx of immigrants, and Talk of the Nation was live in Rochester, N.Y., examining how the city is re-defining itself.

April 2001: All Things Considered looked at the working poor, Morning Edition explored the changes in sports, and Talk of the Nation did a live broadcast from Reno, Nevada, on the future of gambling in America.

March 2001: All Things Considered looked at how things have change in the town of Postville, Iowa, Morning Edition explored what it's like to work at a company that has no offices and a staff of telecommuting workers, and Talk of the Nation examined college life today and how technology has changed how we get our education.

February, 2001: All Things Considered looked at home schooling through the lives of three families in three different American cities, Morning Edition examined how the two Sudanese communities in Nashville struggle to bridge the gap between them, and Talk of the Nation pondered whether all this new technology is good for us.

January 2001:All Things Considered took a look at the inside operations of Pittsburgh International Airport; Morning Edition looked at how Native Americans cope and adjust to living in an urban environment, and Talk of the Nation explored how people from other cultures adapt to America, in a live town hall meeting in Dallas.

December 2000:All Things Considered visited a Washington, D.C., church that serves people of many nations; Morning Edition looked at how gentrification was changing one neighborhood in Portland, Oregon, and Talk of the Nation explored America's search for a more meaningful spirituality.

November 2000:All Things Considered followed one band through the music-making process; Morning Edition examined how people are rediscovering their own form of spirituality, and Talk of the Nation explored the oddest presidential election in history, live in Goshen, Indiana.

October 2000:All Things Considered followed one woman through the life-altering process of retirement; Morning Edition examined at the changing face of work, and Talk of the Nation explored changes in education, live in Cleveland.

September 2000: NPR's John McChesney revisits his childhood home in Saline County, Missouri for All Things Considered to chart the changes on farms and in small businesses, Talk of the Nation broadcast live from Kansas City to discuss why people work, how work dominates our lives, and how two companies approach work differently.

August 2000: Morning Edition explores how the Internet is affecting education in America, All Things Considered travels down the coast of South Carolina to Sea Island for a look at the Gullah people, and Talk of the Nation is live in Charlotte, N.C., exploring the city's status as a major financial center and a magnet for a new wave of immigrants.

American Workplace
Morning Edition - October 2000
Morning Edition travels across the country to explore workplace issues. NPR's David Molpus examines the changing nature of the American workplace in a four-part series airing every Monday in October.

Kansas City, MO
Talk of the Nation - September 29, 2000
Talk of the Nation broadcasted live from Kansas City, Missouri, on Thursday, September 28, and Friday, September 29. Join host Juan Williams and guests as they discuss why people work, in what ways work dominates our lives, and how two companies do work differently.

Saline County, MO
All Things Considered - September 27, 2000
Technology has transformed the way we do business, but perhaps none as dramatically as the American farm. John McChesney revisits his childhood home in Saline County, Missouri to chart the changes on farms and in small businesses.

Charlotte, NC
Talk of the Nation - August 31, 2000
Listen to Talk of the Nation's live Town Hall as it was broadcast live from Charlotte, NC. We explore the city's status as a major financial center and a magnet for a new wave of immigrants. Join host Juan Williams and guests look at how Charlotte is adapting to its newest residents, and how the city embodies the changing face of the contemporary South.

The New Education
Morning Edition - August 30, 2000
NPR's Guy Raz, Ina Jaffe and Claudio Sanchez explore the way the Web is changing how Americans learn, and where they get their educations.

Gullah Island, SC - Carolina's Coastal People
All Things Considered - August 30, 2000
All Things Considered travels down the coast of South Carolina to Sea Island. It's home to the Gullah people, African-Americans who retained their own dialect and ways of life right up to the end of the 20th century. NPR's Verta Mae Grosvenor examines how a unique culture is coping with growing tourism.

Portland, OR - Urban Environmentalism
Talk of the Nation - July 27, 2000
Talk of the Nation goes to Portland, Oregon, to look at what makes a livable city. Money Magazine named Portland one of the "10 most livable cities in the U.S." Host Juan Williams and guests will look at two movements that contribute to the city's "livability:" Urban environmentalism and legislating communities.

Life After Huffy
All Things Considered - July 26, 2000
NPR's John Ydstie visits a town in Ohio that suffered the loss of a big employer two years ago. Huffy Bicycles shut down operations and hundreds lost their jobs. Many suffered and are resentful, but surprisingly, some people are doing better and seeking new careers or enjoying a new lifestyle. A measure of how personal change results from economic.

Natural History of Sprawl
Morning Edition - July 26, 2000
NPR's John Nielsen reports from Albuquerque on the real estate development formula that drives the creation of regional shopping malls and suburban sprawl across the country. Nielsen talks to Chris Leinberger, an expert on 'the science of sprawl,' who says that sprawl is planned, not random or haphazard.

Boston, MA - Healthcare
Talk of the Nation - June 29, 2000
For generations, Americans have wrestled with the challenge of providing affordable healthcare for everyone. The American healthcare system is in crisis, but in Massachusetts a group of doctors and activists think they can prod their legislature to create a workable, patient-focused health care system. We'll find out what's happening in Massachusetts and how it could be recreated in other places.

New Brain Aneurysm Treatment
All Things Considered - June 28, 2000
NPR's Patricia Neighmond tells us about a medical procedure that seals brain aneurysms (weakened and pouching sections of blood vessels) without having to cut patients skulls open. It involves the insertion of a tube through the arteries. The tube contains a tiny "Slinky" -- a platinum coil, which doctors use to fill the pouch. Blood then clots around it, neutralizing the aneurysm and preventing rupture. Ruptured aneurysms in the brain cause one of the four types of stroke.

The Way We Play
Morning Edition - June 26-27, 2000
Morning Edition's Changing Face of America series continues this week with three stories on leisure. Today, NPR's Wendy Kaufman reports on what leisure has become at the dawn of a new century. Despite the development of cell phones, fax machines, and that was supposed to free up more time for rest and play...most Americans say they are busier now than ever.

Aging in America
Morning Edition - May 30 - June 1, 2000
In ten years the baby boom generation will begin to reach retirement age. For The Changing Face of America, Morning Edition explores the questions: where and how will today's elders and tomorrow's boomers work?

Orlando, Fla.
Talk of the Nation - May 25, 2000
Talk of the Nation broadcasts live from Marks Street Senior Recreation Complex in Orlando. Host Juan Williams talks with guests about issues facing the elderly.

Broward County, Fla.
All Things Considered - May 24, 2000
Linda Wertheimer finds out how and why two towns -- Pembroke Pines and Southwest Ranches -- took different paths when dealing with population growth.

Hinesberg, Vermont
All Things Considered - April 26, 2000
NPR's Margot Adler explores how teenagers' computer skills have altered the balance of power in families and schools.

Minneapolis, Minn.
Talk of the Nation - April 27, 2000
As part of our Changing Face of America Series, Talk of the Nation will broadcast live from Washburn High School in Minneapolis where the focus turns to Youth.

Los Angeles, Calif.
Morning Edition - April 27, 28, 2000
Mexican-American author Michele Serros examines racially blended marriages by looking her marriage and the marriages of her friends.

Austin, Texas
All Things Considered - March 29, 2000
Austin is the capital of Texas and a university town but these days it's also something else: a lure for high-tech industries and workers. Hear how a growing Asian workforce is changing the flavor of the city. But now Austinites are asking themselves: at what price? How have immigrant entrepreneurs, from outside Texas and outside the U.S., helped Austin become a modern technopolis?

Seattle, Washington
Morning Edition - March 27-29, 2000
Seattle is a city with an a record number of millionaires, created mostly by Microsoft. NPR Special Correspondent Susan Stamberg reports from on how high-tech money has changed civic life.

Tucson, Arizona
All Things Considered - February 24, 2000
Short story writer Patricia Presiado Martin revisits the fading Mexican culture that once thrived in Tucson, Arizona. This is one of three stories done by writers about locales they once knew.

Prince George's County, Maryland
All Thing Considered - February 23, 2000
Writer Leon Wynter returns to Prince George's County in Maryland, near Washington, D.C., where he began his career. This is one of three stories done by writers about locales they once knew.

Falls Church, Virginia
Morning Edition - February 23-25, 2000
NPR's Neva Grant reports from Bailey's Elementary School in the Washington, D.C., suburb of Falls Church, Virginia. Students at Bailey's come from 45 countries and many don't speak English at home.

Erie, Pennsylvania & San Francisco, California
All Things Considered - February 22
Commentators David Greenberger and Andrei Codrescu revisit places from their past and observe how things have changed. This is one of three stories about writers returning to locales they once knew.

The Changing Face of America series is sponsored by The Pew Charitable Trusts.