America Responds: Special Coverage Since Sept. 11

Deadly Raid a Mistake
In an exclusive report for Morning Edition from NPR's Steve Inskeep, residents of an Afghan village claim American soldiers killed at least 18 people who were actually loyal to the new government -- and that American officials paid the victims' relatives $1,000 in reparations.

Trusting in Government
A new NPR/Kaiser/Kennedy School poll finds most Americans are willing to allow curbs on civil liberties during the government's war on terrorism. Read analysis and complete results of the poll, and take the poll yourself to see how your answers compare.
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A member of the U.S. 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit prepares for a tour of duty in Afghanistan A typical scene near Kabul, as Afghans seek help from UN aid workers in the aftermath of years of conflict
A member of the U.S. 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit prepares for a tour of duty in Afghanistan (L); a typical scene near Kabul, as Afghans seek help from UN aid workers in the aftermath of years of conflict (R).
Photo: Copyright 2002 Reuters Limited

The front lines
Across Afghanistan, U.S.-led forces and Northern Alliance troops continue their pursuit of Taliban fighters, and their search for Osama bin Laden and members of his al Qaeda network.

The home front
The nation focuses on its domestic security concerns, its loved ones at war -- and the countless ways that life has changed since Sept. 11.

The anthrax threat
Since anthrax infections claimed several lives and anthrax spores turned up at locations nationwide, worried Americans have been educating themselves about bioterrorism threats and possible precautions.

The investigation
Investigators remain on the trail of those they say plotted the Sept. 11 attacks -- and may be planning further assaults.

The politics
How is the the U.S.-led "war on terrorism" playing in the U.S. political arena? Dispatches from the White House, the State Department and Congress.

The economics
Mounting a war effort while continuing the recovery at attack sites has placed heavy burdens on a weakened U.S. economy. Key trouble spots: the airline and tourism industries.

Sept. 11, 2001
The worst terrorist assault in U.S. history shattered the World Trade Center, tore a gash in the Pentagon, crashed a hijacked jet into a Pennsylvania field -- and sent America careening through grief and rage, toward recovery and resolve. This archive compiles NPR's coverage from Sept. 11 through Oct. 8.

The world
Governments and people around the globe watch and weigh U.S. efforts on the military, humanitarian and diplomatic fronts.

Read and listen to essays on life since Sept. 11, from NPR journalists and other commentators.

Speeches and statements
Listen to key public statements from U.S. and world leaders.

Online discussion
Share your thoughts about the events of Oct. 7, 2001. Is bombing Afghanistan an effective way to fight terrorism?
Join the discussion